Arshadhara Conference


“Arshadhara” was a conference for Veda-enthusiasts conducted by Veda Samskrthi & Dharma Jagrthi Trust®, Bengaluru. This conference was designed to encourage the lay and the learned, the young and the old enthusiasts of Vedas to share their knowledge and enrich themselves. It had exclusive sessions for women, youth, saints and media. In each session, there was presentations, panel discussions from scholars, scientists, researchers and youngsters. There was Vedic chanting between the sessions done by students. The sessions were designed specially to encourage women and youth to come forward for Vedic research and Development.

This Vedic Conference was an attempt to bring about the vedic scholars, scientists and researchers and the general public, especially the youth under one roof and create a discussion on various aspects on the relevance of Vedic research in present day and come to some conclusion and see how it could be implemented in the society.

Total 3 vedic conferences successfully conducted continuesly from 2012 to 2014.

  • Arshadhara 1 – 2012
  • Arshadhara 2 – 2013
  • Arshadhara 3 – 2014

The first Arshadhara vedic conference was conducted at Gayana Samaja, K.R. Road, Bengaluru on 6th, 7th and 8th of July 2012. This conference was Organised by Veda Samskrthi & Dharma Jagrthi Trust®, Bengaluru also sponsored by MSRVVP, Ujjain. Both second and third conference successfully conducted at The Mythic Society in Nrupatunga Road, Bengaluru.

Arshadhara vedic conference was designed to hold five sessions between 10am to 5pm, with 4 presentations, in each session by both traditional Vedic scholars and Scientists, with different kinds of Vedic chanting in between. Panel discussions were also included. On each day after the Conference Sessions there was a cultural program. The expected outcome of the conference has been recorded and saved as a treasure of knowledge for the future generations. All videos are available online for Veda-enthusiasts. Bala Goshthi was the special attraction in Arshadhara-2013, its an exclusive session for children between age groups 10 to 16 years where they were encouraged to speak on subjects related to Vedas, culture and ancient sciences of India.

Dharma Jagrthi Trust® was founded by Veda Brahma Late. B.V. Krishna Bhatta GhanapaaThi, who was also the divine force behind Veda Samskrthi. Dharma Jagrthi Trust® is a service oriented organization working for the perpetuation of Vedic traditions. Besides keeping alive the oral tradition of Veda Mantras, this Trust has taken up projects and activities like promoting and guiding research in Vedic Sciences. It has also conducts Seminars, Workshops and Conferences on Veda related themes from time to time.

Conference Overview

India that is Bharatam is the land of Rishis. They are sages, mystics, yogis, philosophers, educators, scientists all these and much more. Her culture is at once spiritual and scientific. We Indians in particular and Orientals in general, believe that we have rich traditions, refined customs, and rational habits. But the rest of the world believes that we are superstitious, gullible, impoverished, sadistic, ignorant barbarians. We have only one way to be educated according to the Macaulay System, in to civilized population in the third millennium.
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An Innovative Research Platform for Universities, Educational Institutions and NGOs

To awake, to arise, to rediscover the scientific heritage of our great nation India that is Bharatam is at once a vision, a mission and a challenging nation building country wide mega project in which every educated enlightened citizen of India ought to participate. The global attention is already drawn to Sanskrit and indigenous resources and above all to the Vedas which are the “intangible heritage” of humankind perpetuated by the oral living Vedic traditions since thousands of years.

Many are the Universities across the globe which have departments differently titled but with the common goal of exploring the contents of the Vedas and Indian resources.
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Vedic Conference Videos

Vedic Chants Videos (Veda Ghosha)

These videos are Vedic Chants (Veda Gosti) which had been chanted by highly expert vedic scholars in between speeches of Conference. Different Sookthas (Hymns) of Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda & Atharvaveda were chanted in accurate manner by group of highly expert vedic scholars in respective shakhaas (vedic types).

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Speech in English Videos

Vedic Experts spoke on different subjects related to vedic science in the 3 day Vedic Conference. Thanks to all of these speakers who were able to give such a wonderfull and tremendous seminars with rich content on-screen presentations.

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Speech in Sanskrit Language Videos

Some dignities spoke in ancient sanskrit language in Vedic Conference.

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Speech in Kannada Language Videos

The 3 day Vedic Conference was blessed by most honourable Swaamijies of different Gurupeethas. Wishes and blessings from Sri Sri Swaamijies and other dignified speakers in native Kannada language are shown in these videos.

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Cultural Program Videos

There was cultural program arranged in between seminars to refresh general public gathered in conference hall. Videos of flute, vocal, music and dance from experts & students are here.

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Vedic Conference Function Videos

Vedic Conference Function Videos about debates etc… Also you can watch anchoring done by famous kannada anchor Srimati Aparna.

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Arshadhara was a humble attempt to bring together Vedic scholars, scientists, researchers together to rediscover and protect the sovereignty and great cultural and scientific heritage of our country. We need to pass on the message of our hoary tradition to our young and future generations so that come out of the misconceptions about. Along with the above, it also aims to bring practical down to earth philosophy and advanced scientific perspective of our great culture to the masses.

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